‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 Spoilers: Major Battle Teased By Writers

One of the reason audiences have become obsessed with HBO's "Game of Thrones" is because it is one of the few shows that brings the blockbuster feel of a summer movie to the small screen. With epic large scale battle scenes, phenomenal fight choreography and all out dragon warfare, "Game of Thrones" is one of the biggest spectacles on television.

Season six will not be any different. According to "Game of Thrones" writer and producer Bryan Cogman, fans should expect the show's largest battle scene to date this year. Who will be involved in this fight scene? What is the nature of the conflict? Will it take place on Westeros or Essos? We have so many questions, but Cogman was unwilling to go into specifics.

"It's definitely the biggest [action sequence] yet," Cogman said. "We've always wanted to get to a place - story-wise and budget-wise and time-wise and resource-wise - where we would be able to do a proper battle, with one army on one side, one army on another side."

Cogman likely isn't just blowing (wildfire) smoke either. "Thrones" has consistently promised eye-popping action throughout its run and consistently delivered. The penultimate episode of season two, "Blackwater," where Stannis Baratheon (Stephen Dillaine) attacks King's Landing, redefined the expectations of CGI and scope for cable drama. "Watchers on the Wall," in which Wildlings storm Castle Black, raised the bar in terms of technical filmmaking action. Last season's "Hardhome" provided better zombie fights than anything we've ever seen on "The Walking Dead" or "World War Z."

Cogman wouldn't provide any context, but we can make some educated guesses as to what's going on in the battle scene for ourselves. The least surprising candidates for war right now would be the Tyrells/King's Landing against the religious zealots known as the Sparrows. Margaery Tyrell is being held prisoner, after all.

Another possibility is the Lannisters vs. the Dornish. Remember, Myrcella Baratheon has just been poisoned to death by Ellaria Sand. That isn't going to go over so well with Westeros' ruling class.

Yet another possibility is that Daenerys, who is being held by a hostile Khalasar, is finally freed thanks to some help from her loyal subjects and dragons.

Given that this is "Game of Thrones," there are a lot of opportunities for big battles that make perfect narrative sense. We'll just have to wait to find out which scene in particular Cogman is talking about.

"Game of Thrones will return to HBO for a sixth season on April 24.

Follow Brandon Katz on Twitter at @Great_Katzby

Hbo, Game of Thrones