'Grand Theft Auto 6' News: Is London The Setting For The Next GTA?

"Grand Theft Auto V" and its online component "GTA Online" have been a massive success, garnering praise within the gaming community. With that in mind, fans have been looking forward to the the next entry in the series, "GTA VI," and any tidbits of information they can obtain about the long-rumored sequel.

The latest "GTA" rumor pertains to the setting of the next game, which is believed to be returning to a classic location: London.

A recently published report on Vine Report suggests that Rockstar Games is already in the early stages of planning the next installment's content, as well as other specifics, but the biggest change that will come with said content is that it will move from a U.S. setting and head across the pond to London.

This rumor in particular started due to a comment made by Rockstar Games Creative VP Dan Houser, who allegedly stated that there is a possibility of the series going overseas.

"At the moment, it feels like 'GTA's' DNA is contemporary-ish, American-ish, English-speaking-ish, because that's what it has been," Houser said. "But that doesn't necessarily limit it to those, that's just what we've done so far."

So how likely is it that "GTA" will be going to London in its latest installment? It's hard to say, but evidence refutes it more than anything else. Yes, Rockstar has set a precedent by having you play as Sid Vacant in "Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969" and sent players back there again with "Grand Theft Auto: London, 1961," but those were just cheap mission packs back when the series was new.

More importantly, Houser flat out said in 2013 that "GTA" is distinctly an American game.

"Speaking for myself - and normally I'd be as militant about saying 'we' as much as possible, because it certainly isn't only me at all, thank god - but my own personal feeling is that 'GTA' is America," he said at the time.

Of course, Houser didn't rule out that London would never be the scene of a future IP, just that it wouldn't be a "GTA"-related one.

"I think for us, my gut feeling is, 'GTA London' was cool for the time, but games were more limited then," he said.

"These days I think we would love to set a game in the UK, set in London, whatever, but I don't know if it would be a GTA game," Houser added. "I think there are plenty of great stories we could tell about the UK, great environments to showcase, great gameplay mechanics that could have a UK bent to them - I just don't think it would be a GTA necessarily."

As with all rumors, this "London GTA" rumor should be treated with a grain of salt. However, Houser's flat out denial of a "London GTA" makes the chances of the series returning to London even less likely. There's always the chance that he could be lying, but why go through the trouble in an official interview?

So if we assume that "GTA" is remaining in the states, then where will it go? Other locations that have been mentioned include Liberty City, Portland, Chicago, and maybe even Vice City.

Grand Theft Auto V, Rockstar Games, Gta, London