Dina Lohan Opens Up About Why She Joined The Cast Of 'Family Therapy' [VIDEO]

Dina Lohan and her ex-husband Michael Lohan's dramatic 2007 divorce played out in the tabloids while their daughter, actress Lindsay Lohan, spiraled out of control due to substance abuse. Now, in an attempt to fix their co-parenting relationship for the sake of their four children, Dina and Michael have agreed to join the cast of VH1's "Family Therapy with Dr. Jenn."

In the series, Dina and Michael take part in an intensive three-week therapy program headed by Dr. Jenn Mann (who also helps celebrity couples fix their relationships on VH1's "Couples Therapy"). They both participate in group and one-on-one therapy sessions to work on their problems so they could be a stronger parental unit for 29-year-old Lindsay, 28-year-old Michael, 22-year-old Aliana and 19-year-old Dakota. In a special video interview with VH1, Dina explains why she decided to join the cast.

"I decided to do 'Family Therapy' because I'm a firm believer in timing, and I really feel that it was right now to do it," Dina, 53, explains.

"My children are older - they've seen the pain, the hurt, they've read the tabloids," she continues. "They were almost pushing me do it and happy that I was able to heal through this. I decided to sign up with my ex Michael because I'm a victim of domestic abuse. I needed to look him in the eyes and let him know what happened. I just needed him to hear my words, not necessarily admission or anything from him - I just needed to do it to get it out."

She went on to explain that she thought therapy would be a "win-win" situation for everyone involved, and she said she hoped Michael would be able to work on his own personal issues so that he could forge a stronger relationship with his children. She also said she wanted to give viewers a chance to see a different side of the Lohan family, since they're constantly portrayed in a negative light in the media.

"I try to stay positive," Dina says about the tabloids. "Whatever they're gonna say, they're gonna say, and we have a thick skin now and I don't really care. Lindsay would say... I'd be like, 'I can't believe they just said that.' She's like, 'Mommy, look what they say about me. Don't worry about it, like, we got this.' You just become deflective of it."

She went on to say that because of the three-week program with Dr. Jenn, her relationship with Michael is in a much better place.

"I feel like I'm free from the pain," she says.

Watch Dina's full interview below and be sure to tune into "Family Therapy with Dr. Jenn" Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET on VH1.

Family Therapy With Dr. Jenn

Dina Lohan, Michael Lohan, Lindsay lohan
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