3 things why ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ is a must-see Marvel Movie

It was stressed in Headlines and Global News that Marvel fans will be expecting a great deal of surprises in the movie especially on its plot and the characters.

The report even suggested that Steve Rogers will no longer be the Star-Spangled hero but will be portraying another character and Loki's team-up with Thanos. These are just some of the things that could keep the excitement rolling for the film. But here's the reasons why should you not miss this latest instalment of Avengers series:

  • The movie will possibly be loaded with protagonists.

As the title suggests, "Avengers: Infinity War", it will not be a one-man protagonist but a roster of heroes. Aside from the Avengers that we know, there might be some Marvel heroes who may join like Guardians of the Galaxy or even Captain Marvel himself. We just don't know. But with the inklings provided by the movie's production team, one thing is for sure, you will be delighted in seeing a bunch of Marvel heroes fighting Thanos.

  • This film might be the finale of the synthesis of Marvel's story plot.

As also discussed in Cinemablend, Marvel Cinematic Universe is already looking forward in weaving possible plot even before Iron Man was released in 2008. MCU is good at developing storyline and with the coming of Avengers: Infinity War, it has been reported that this might be the end of the whole story, the end of one book and which could lead to the nest one. So if you will miss this, you will surely be at lost for this standalone film.

  • There might be unsolved issues in the past Avengers movies that might be addressed in this instalment.

With the superheroes division in the Civil War, it's impossible to fight Thanos with still the same situation. One of the most significant rifts there was between Bucky and Iron Man. Thinking of this, how could Marvel be able to bring him together with Iron Man's team, a handshake or just a nod? That would possible be a great emotional revelation in the film.

Avengers: Infinity War is indeed loaded with outstanding twist of events and characters. So if you want to avoid seeing this movie that would really be impossible.

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