Spider-Man: Homecoming to hit theaters in 2017

Spider-Man will excite moviegoers once more with a different personality in Spider-Man: Homecoming, which is scheduled for release next year, July 28, 2017. Sony Pictures Entertainment serves as the official distributor while Marvel Comics and Columbia Pictures will produce the film in the US in IMAX 3D.

The title of the film involves the concept of homecoming, which is a common tradition among high school alumni in the US. Starring Tom Holland and directed by Jon Watts, this Spider-Man movie will be different from the previous ones because it would use villains that have yet to feature on any of the protagonist's films.

The story still revolves around Peter's life, which alternately switches between a regular adolescent and a superhero, and living with Aunt May, among many others. Nonetheless, the film focuses more on his life towards his high school years.

"We want to play with Spider-Man in the high school years because frankly there have been five Spider-Man films and... there are so many things from the comics that haven't been done yet. Not just characters or villains or supporting characters, but sides to his character," said Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige.

"I think it was midway through the first film that he graduated high school. At the beginning of the second Marc Webb film, he graduated high school. And some of my favorite Spider-Man arcs and Spider-Man stories, he's in high school for a lot of it. We want to explore that," Feige said of the film's unique twist.

Aside from that, the film takes off from the events in Captain America: Civil War, one of 2016's highest-grossing films. Civil War's breathtaking events have surely left moviegoers reeling for more action, which will definitely be expected from the new Spider-Man film.

Also an added plus to the film's qualities is the role of former Batman actor Michael Keaton as one of the villains.

Spiderman, Captain America, 2016, 2017, Iron man, Batman