Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt Divorce Rumors: Now who's the 'other' woman---Gwyneth Paltrow, Marion Cotillard or Lizzy Kaplan?

Fans of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt want the issue of their alleged divorce settled once and for all. But before the rumors can finally be put to rest, another woman always pops up. The latest one is Gwyneth Paltrow. But wait. The media probably ran out of women to vie for the 'other woman' position, so they threw in a Marion Cotillard and Lizzy Kaplan too!

Well, it has to be at least one of them---if at all. The rumors are highly melodramatic, even if there isn't any issue at all.

To begin with Gwyneth Paltrow. Rumors said that during the vacations, when Pitt wanted a break from his family, he pushed off to Croatia with his friends. It happened after a parting through confrontation and yelling, say sources.

"As Brad headed out the door, Angelina was in tears, truly feeling she'd lost Brad once and for all. The marriage is broken and Brad and Angelina's $400 million divorce is underway," In Touch reported.

When Angelina Jolie tried to wake up Brad Pitt, he mentioned Gwyneth Paltrow's name though he was half asleep. He apparently asked Gwen to let him sleep a bit longer. However, that was not very pleasant for the UN ambassador Jolie, who just went red with anger and stormed off, says the report.

Her anger was reportedly a build up. Brad Pitt had earlier told Angelina to reach out and try to eat hamburgers, even though she was gaining weight. This was a piece of advice from Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop website, but it seemed to work for Angelina. Still, when she learnt of the source, she didn't like it much!

Meanwhile, Life & Style Magazine had more fuel to add. The reason for the couple's divorce, apparently, was Angelina's jealousy over Pitt's relationship with the 'Allied' co-stars, Marion Cotillard and Lizzy Kaplan. Moreover, Pitt had also been irritated that Angelina had refused to look after her health in spite of her issues.

"Her intense jealousy over [Brad Pitt's] 'Allied' co-stars Marion Cotillard and Lizzy Caplan, and what he sees as her stubborn refusal to take care of herself after so many health scares," are among the couple's marriage troubles, the source said.

Calling the whole narrative completely fabricated and ridiculous, Gossip Cop said it was what it sounds---just a bit of fake nonsense. "Of course, the 'Enquirer' has a long history of publishing tall tales about the famous couple, so this latest bogus story comes as no surprise," said the website.

Hence, there has been a string of different women who have allegedly threatened to disrupt the celebrity couple's wedding---at least according to the media, if not the couple. At one point it was all about Jennifer Lopez, at another point about Jennifer Aniston, and the third 'third woman' was Marion Cotillard. But currently, the mention of Gwyneth Paltrow has put a new kind of light on this issue, while Cotillard and Lizzy Caplan seem to be vying with her for the third spot. With so many exchanges over tidbits of gossip, it is doubtful if the marriage is really getting threatened.

But what do you think the harassed couple, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie would feel if they read all these reports?

Highly amused! There couldn't be more entertaining news for them.

Brad pitt, Angelina jolie, Gwyneth paltrow, Croatia