Agents of Shield: Has The Show Finally Got You Interested?; Midseason Review

The first season of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." has finally picked up in the storyline department and may be getting closer to reigning back in fans. Here's a midseason review:


When "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." debuted, the fanfare was amazing. Over 11 million viewers tuned in, most likely expecting some form of "Marvel's The Avengers". However, after the great viewer turnout in the series premiere, viewing numbers steadily dropped as the season continued. Heading into the series, it was my opinion that fans - if they were drawn to the show because of the "Avengers" movie - would want to see a superhero in the show. However, when Joss Whedon told reporters "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." would in no way affect "The Avengers", I figured that could be a problem for the show. The closest we've gotten to have the "Avengers" on "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." is mentions of Iron Man, Thor and Captain America, as well as a cameo by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). To make matters worse the show seemed to take on a procedural-mode and introduce a new menace each week. It also barely touched the two underlying storylines (Coulson's death and Skye's parents). However, as the first half of the season came to a close the storyline got much better...


We know now, that there is a central storyline running through some of the episodes. Centipede, Raina, Po, Akela - it's all connected. The midseason finale was also the first episode to get me excited to see the following episode - Coulson was kidnapped, a car exploded, and Ward was shot. Also, judging by Raina's inquiry into Coulson's mysterious death at the end of the midseason finale, we may finally get some answers on what happened to Coulson.

What do you most like about this show? Dislike? Has this show been a disappointment? What are you most looking forward to? Comment below.

"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." returns Jan. 7 at 8/7c on ABC.

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