Pretty Little Liars Season 4: How Will Ezria Look Now?; Three Things to Anticipate and Wish For in the Season's Second Half

After a shocking midseason finale and Halloween episode, "Pretty Little Liars" will be back next Tuesday. Here's three things I'm looking forward to/ wishing for when the show resumes:

No. 1 - "Ezria"

This has to be on everyone's mind in anticipation of PLL's return. We know Ezra is most likely A but Aria doesn't and it doesn't seem she's going to find out immediately. Although many fans are hoping Aria and Ezra can still be together, others will probably cringe or yell at their televisions every time "Ezria" has a conversation or is near each other. "Get away from him Aria!! He's A!!!"

No. 2 - The return of Ali

The Halloween episode revealed Ali is not as dead as everyone thought. However, she's also doesn't seem to have that mean and domineering personality her friends remember - she's scared and it shows. I am looking forward to the plan the girls have for helping her get away from A - but I'm also looking forward to the conversations between her and the girls. They haven't seen Ali for years and a lot has happened. How will she act when talking to Aria, Hannah and Emily?

No. 3 - Mona's next move

Near the end of the midseason finale, Mona was seen talking with Shana - a sight that would raise the eyebrows of any PLL fan. If we know one thing about the former star of the A team, she always has a plan to get what she wants and/or protect herself. Why was she talking with Shana and what is she going to do next?

"Pretty Little Liars" returns Tuesday Jan. 7 at 8/7c on ABC Family.

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