'Star Wars Episode 8' Spoilers, Updates: Kylo Ren working as undercover inside First Order under Luke Skywalker's command?

The character of Kylo Ren was noted as one of the most complex characters in Star Wars franchise following his fall into the dark side. With the anticipation for Star Wars Episode 8, fans are expecting to learn the backstory behind Kylo Ren's joining the First Order and going against his parents.

The man that became Star Wars: The Force Awakens villain, Kylo Ren, was born as Ben Solo, son of Han Solo and Leia Organa. The feeling of abandonment from his parents can be one contributory factor for Ben turning into the dark side. In fact, he has gone too dark that he murdered his own father.

There are rumors that Kylo Ren is not actually a son of Han and Leia. As previously reported by HNGN, the speculation sparked due to this cold-blooded patricide which questions whether the son that Han and Leia are talking about is the same person as Kylo Ren. As the couple did not explicitly mention that their son is Kylo Ren, the latter might possibly be a distant relative.

Some fans, however, debunk this theory, further asserting that Kylo Ren has to be Leia and Han's son. Another theory that fans are recently spinning is that Luke Skywalker could have ordered his, then, student Ben Solo to work as an undercover inside the First Order in order to learn Supreme Leader Snoke's plan.

As per the report of International Business Times, citing a Youtube channel by Mike Zeroh, Luke's plan has failed when Ben has fallen too deep to the Dark Side, thus, becoming the Kylo Ren that Star Wars fans know today.

The same source further noted that Luke and Ben was actually close just six years before Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It is then a mystery how the two has fallen out. Mike Zeroh suggested that Luke could have convinced Ben to go undercover inside the First Order and learn everything he can about Snoke's plans, but, during the process, Ben has slipped too far from the light side and got lost too deep to the dark side. This explains why Luke felt guilty and responsible for Kylo Ren's fate.

Fans, however, should treat this news with a pinch of salt considering that the plot details are yet to be confirmed in Star Wars Episode 8.

Star Wars Episode 8 is expected to hit theaters on December 15, 2017. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

Star wars, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, Kylo Ren, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia