Set accident delays 'Maze Runner: Death Cure' premiere

The final installment of the trilogy Maze Runner, Maze Runner: Death Cure is reportedly coming to theaters later than intended. When the cast was shooting earlier this year, the lead star Dylan O'Brien almost died after a fatal set accident. On March, Dylan was brought to the hospital as he was very seriously injured.

According to an interview with Hollywood Reporter, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, producer of American Assassin, revealed that the accident was very nearly fatal. He said, "He's all better. It was more than disconcerting. I never saw him in his worst form, but it was described to me. It was really scary. He came close to dying, I'm pretty sure. It was enough to shake your core."

Set Accident in Maze Runner: The Death Cure

Although the production of Maze Runner: The Death Cure had stopped since last March, fans are still excited for the Gladers to journey in more amazing and death-defying runs to fight their way off against WCKD. The production was postponed to give time for Dylan O'Brien, who plays as the main character Thomas, to recover from the injuries he suffered on set.

According to the synopsis, Maze Runner: The Death Cure will follow Thomas and the other surviving Gladers face WCKD and fight their way in finding a cure for a deadly disease called 'The Flare' that has wiped out most of the world.

In an announcement, 20th Century Fox assured the fans that the production of Maze Runner: The Death Cure will continue in February 2017.Its official premiere will be in January 2018.