
Buyers Beware: Another Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Accident injures Nicholasville man; Is it safe to buy Samsung Galaxy Note 7?

It's really disappointing to learn when one of the best smartphone makers in the world is now into a deadlock due to faulty hardware in one of their flagship devices.

Samsung electronics, the South Korean giant, is now involved in complaints regarding their faulty Note 7 devices that were launched this year. However, phones are not the only problem for Samsung at the moment or at least one of the two devices that Samsung have manufactured.

Apparently one of Samsung manufactured washing machines was one of the latest additions regarding faulty Samsung devices that is now facing a lawsuit.

Samsung, a couple of weeks back, had issued a massive global recall of all their Note 7 units due to faulty batteries. It involved more than 2.5 million units. Some of the users had only issues with extensive overheating of their batteries. But now, thanks to a global recall, their devices are now eligible for a full-refund no questions asked.

Samsung however had tried to replace as many phones as they could. The problem started again when the replacement phones exploded. One the first complaints noted were a flyer onboard Southwest airlines when a phone caught fire. A court investigation is underway now

Now coming to Nicholasville, a man was seriously injured when his phone too caught fire and ultimately resulted in his family waking up to the horror of a room-full of smokes in their house.

Michael Klering, the victim in a statement said he was scared to death when he got to know about what was happening. He said that the whole room caught fire resulting in smokes out of nowhere. He did confirm that it was a replacement device and he assumed that the replaced unit was fully safe.

He told about how he was feeling the nausea and even had an emergency room visit where he ultimately vomited due to the same reason that's when he found out something was wrong. Klering however refused to hand over the faulty phone but was left devastated when he learnt that Samsung in reality wasn't really doing much over it.

Samsung Electronics, Accident
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