
Apple to present 'E Ink' keys on MacBook

Apple has been famous for its great spirit of creativity and innovation. Recently, there have been comments that a new MacBook Pro is coming next week.

But there is also another rumor related with the tech giant. The company may be ready to launch a MacBook for 2018 which will offer customers an "E Ink" keyboard.

The Wall Street Journal declares that it will let users change as fast as possible what the keys display. A user would be able to change the characters used in the English language to one of the characters used in the Japanese such as hiragana, katakana or emoji. A complete revolution for the keyboard.

Australian company Sonder could be working with Apple. This is also possible that Apple could buy Sonder, reported The Guardian.

The American giant keeps innovating and creating more value added for its products, which already have a good global reputation. Apple is an icon of technology and is respected worldwide.

In Youtube, we can see a video where Sonder's "E Ink" keyboard is making the transition from one set of characters to another. The other video that the Aussie company has in Youtube shows Steve Jobs talking about the technology used in keyboards.

The Guardian reported about a meeting between Apple CEO Tim Cook and Sonder CEO Francisco Serra-Martins.

But the Sonder head denied meeting with Apple CEO and added that they are not able to comment further on information on any single company or customer.

Nowadays, the most common contact that people have with "electronic ink" is when using e-readers like Kindle from Amazon. But even though, this type of technology isn't too common today. This is growing and more and more products have begun to use it. This ranges from smartphone cases to other type of wearable devices.

Clearly, technology has no limits, change and innovation have become a constant.

Apple, Macbook, Keyboard, Tim cook, Kindle, Amazon, Technology, Tech
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