'Sense8' Season 2 finally cancelled? Bae Doona leaving before Season 2?

Months away from its premiere, the Netflix TV series, "Sense8" Season 2 has been surrounded by rumors of the show being cancelled. Luckily, recent reports suggest that the show will be renewed. However, it also seems that the show will lose a member in the upcoming season.

The cancellation rumors of "Sense8" Season 2 have been debunked with Sylvester McCoy signing up to be part of a Netflix series. The actor did not reveal any details about being part of the Sense8 series or what his role might entail, but going by what the 'Seventh Doctor Who' actor said, it is pretty clear that he is a part of the "Sense8"' Season 2, Digital Spy reports.

Moreover, McCoy further stated that he's been signed on for a number of episodes as well as for a number of years for this Netflix series. This clearly indicates that the reports about the cancellation of "Sense8" Season 2 are nothing but rumors and fans of the show can now breathe a little easier.

However, while the show might be safe from oblivion, other news suggests that Bae Doona of the Sensates might be leaving the show, "Sense8" Season 2.

The actress herself had mentioned in an interview that she felt "healed" when working with her fellow Koreans, claims Parent Herald. And she mentions this right after describing her experiences while Sense8 was being filmed. Hence, it seems that it's likely that the Sensate team of eight that fans know and love, will be breaking up for Season 2.

It is worth mentioning here that no official confrmation about Bae Doona has been made yet. So, it remains to be seen whether she leaves "Sense8" or continues to be a part of the Sensate. This will be only be confirmed once "Sense8" Season 2 starts or after an official announcement.