UFOs have visited us since the beginning of time: Ex-NASA scientist

UFOs are being seen not only in 2016, but long before we even conceptualized that they could exist. Long ago, sightings of strange objects in the sky were recorded. For instance, in 217 BC "at Arpi round shields (parmas) were seen in the sky" (Liv. 22.1.9; Orosius 4.15).

Dr. Jacques Vallée recently published 500 UFO cases from ancient times to 1879 in the 'Wonders of the Sky,' was a co-developer of the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA. He was noted also at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), where he helped create ARPANET, which laid the foundation for Internet. He is an avid supporter and believer in extraterrestrial life.

According to NASA, "we do not know whether the luster of these devices (and not just their shape) was intended to be an element of the description. Mock suns are an unlikely explanation, since in the Roman prodigy lists these were routinely described as 'double suns' or 'triple suns' (i.e. two mock suns on either side of the real one)."

In 91 BC too, the "Golden orb" phenomenon was observed at Spoletium, Umbria, Italy. Check it out in the painting above (from Jaques Vallee, Chris Aubeck: Wonders in the Sky.)

A similar painting made on August 7, 1566, shows that at dawn, citizens of Basel (Switzerland) said that they viewed a number of spheres for hours.

There was one more spectacle in 173 BC "at Lanuvium, when a large fleet was observed in the sky" (Liv. 42.2.4).

In 104 BC, "the people of Ameria and Tuder saw objects in the sky rushing together from east and west, those from the west being routed."

In 100 BC, "a round shield (clipeus), burning and emitting sparks, ran across the sky from west to east, at sunset." This was explained by Pliny (Nat. 2.100), even though Obsequens (45) called it "a circular object, like a round shield."

Looking at the Hindu epic, Ramayana, of the fourth/fifth century B.C. and Mahabharata VIII.31.80, it has been found that a vimana is described as a "chariot that resembles the sun, that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will, resembling a bright cloud in the sky, and the king got in and the excellent chariot rose up into the higher atmosphere." (Dolan, Richard. UFOs For the 21st Century Mind. New York: Richard Dolan Press, 2014) (source 2)(Daniken, Erich. Chariots of The Gods. New York: Berkley Books, 1970).

Even the Mahabharata describes vimanas to be of "twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels, approximately 20 to 25 feet in circumference, about seven feet in diameter."

"They roar like off into the sky until they appear like comets." The chariots too are described: "powered by winged lighting...it was a ship that soared into the air, flying to both the solar and stellar regions."

Hence, UFOs have been recorded through centuries.

One thing it does make us realize is - we aren't seeing anything unique. They have visited us right from the beginning of time, but they haven't revealed themselves to us in any form.

YouTube/Global Explorers