Pokemon Go: New Halloween Update brings Spooky Pokemon, doubles candy rewards; Available until Nov. 1

Pokémon Go was one of the biggest hits in the market of mobile games when it was first launched in the early July. There were millions of people who were playing this game in order to search Pokémon's.

But recently it seemed that the players are dropping out from the game. In fact, the numbers of players decreased significantly. But as the game was updated due to the Halloween event, there are more players are coming back into the game. It is said that the Halloween event will last until the 1st November and in the meantime, this update has helped a lot to get the rankings back.

Since the Halloween update is released for the Pokémon GO game, the non-active users have spiked by a good amount. The game currently features the top spot in iTunes at top grossing chart followed by the mobile strike and Clash Royale.

The game has also improved its ranking in the Google play store as well. To be precise currently, it stands at no. 2 position in the Google play store just behind the mobile strike. When it comes to the free games, Pokémon Go stands at no.7 position.

Since there is a huge rise in the rankings, then, it can be said that the game has able to pocket a good amount of profit as well. Though there is no official confirmation on the amount of profit.

According to Forbes, the amount of profit could be near about $600 million. So, it can be understood the amount of profit is quite huge, in fact, it is the most profit made by any mobile game in 90 days period.

When it comes to the Halloween update, then it can be said that the game will allow players to catch some spooky Pokémon like Golbat, Cubone, Drowzee, Gengar, Gastly etc. At the same time, The candy rewards are also increased by double amount.

The spawning time of the Pokémon is reduced as well. So, at the end of the day, it can be said that the Halloween update really has the Pokémon Go game to get back on the track.