'Star Wars: Episode 8' Rumors: Luke Skywalker To Have Incredible Jedi Powers; Leaked Movie Scene Suggests Jedi Master’s Vision

A new theory reveals that Luke Skywalker will showcase his incredible Jedi power in the upcoming "Star Wars: Episode 8." This power was developed by Luke over the years.

The story stems from a theory that was posted about "Star Wars: Episode 8" on the YouTube channel by Mike Zeroh. The theory assesses the comments that were made while a scene with elaborate special effects was being filmed, by Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker. Reportedly, the scene did not require Hamill to do anything as all the special effects were to be added later.

The theory suggested by Zeroh indicates that the "Star Wars: Episode 8" will have Luke equipped with a lot more interesting powers or the powers of the Jedi Master. If this theory stands to be true, Luke will have a lot more interesting powers in the upcoming, "Star Wars: Episode 8."

Notably, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" had its focus on finding out the Jedi Master as the main plot and the upcoming installment, "Star Wars: Episode 8" will have its focus on the powers being explored and executed by the character, Luke, reports International Business Times.

Moreover, Zeroh also builds on a leaked movie scene which has the Jedi Master meditating on a rock. And, while meditating, he has a vision where he sees a desert planet that has two suns.

It is also suggested that Luke may have a new power in the upcoming "Star Wars: Episode 8" that will entail him to tap into other's mind and instill in them the ways of the Force.

Notably, in "The Force Awakens" it was Luke who possibly used the Jedi mind trick on Rey, while she was confined in the interrogation room.

Moreover, in the upcoming movie Rey, portrait by Daisy Ridley, may also train to become a Jedi.

Luke Skywalker
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