‘Game of Thrones’ News & Spoilers: Complete Season 7 Plot Disclosed on Reddit

The seventh season of "Game of Thrones" has begun filming and the internet is abuzz with show spoilers and rumors. However, according to a report by Parent Herald, the show's season 7 plot is leaked on Free Folk Reddit.

Eversince the big reveal, the original post has long been deleted but not soon enough for the internet to put all the information together. While it is not certain if the leak comes for a credible source, but Free Folk Reddit enjoys favorable reputation and is the primary thread for all "GoT" leaks and updates. This subreddit also correctly predicted the previous season of "GoT."

Major spoilers ahead, readers must continue reading only if they want to know more about the story.

Here are some of the major highlights that will shape up the next season.

According to the Reddit post, Episode 1 will show White Walkers marching towards the South of the Wall. Meanwhile, Bran will also arrive at the Wall and so will Daenerys at the Dragonstone. In the following episode, Daenerys will call for all the lords in the North, as well as Jon Snow, as he leaves Sansa behind to care for Winterfell in his absence. In this episode, Jamie will learn the truth about Joffery's death at the hands of Olenna Tyrell and LittleFinger. In this episode, the fans will see Dorne being attacked by Euron Greyjoy as he captures Ellaria Sand.

The third episode will be more eventful as the Daenerys and Tyrion will meet Jon Snow and Ser Davos at the Dragonstone. As Jon Snow refuses to bend the knee in front of Daenerys, he tells her about the upsurge of White Walkers. This episode will also show Arya Stark reunite with her dire wolf, Nymeria, on her way to Winterfell. Bran will also reach Winterfell.

In Episode 4, Tyrion tries to convince Daenerys to not attack King's Landing as she releases her dragons on some lords in Westeros. Daenreys also attacks Jaime and Bronn where she almost kills Tyrion's older brother. Meanwhile, to prove that White Walkers do exist, Jon Snow decides to show a live example.

In the following episode, Jorah and Daenerys reunite at the Dragonstone. At the same time, Jon Snow leaves with his group to find and capture a real white. As Sam, Gilly and the baby leave for Winterell, Snow learns that his Bran and Arya are also back home.

As Jon Snow is seen progressing through episode 6, he reaches the Night's Castle and finds Brotherhood without Banners incarcerated. In an attack by the Whites, Jon Snow's team is surrounded by the Zombies as Thoros is killed by a white. When the group gets outnumbered by the whites, Daenerys arrives just in time with her dragons to save them, as Jon Snow is left behind. He is saved by Uncle Benjen before being killed by the white walkers. To get Daenerys's help, Jon Snow promises her the title if she helps him in killing the zombies.

In season 7 finale, Cersei will be shown pregnant with Jamie's child but suffers a miscarriage. As Jon Snow and Daenerys will have intercourse on the boat to North, as Sam and Bran learn his true identity. Viserion's attack drops the Wall.