The iconic Columbian druglord series "Narcos" has been renewed for season 3 and 4. The first two seasons featured the rise and fall of Pablo Escobar, a notorious true story of a druglord played by the brooding Wagner Maura. Now after fans saw the death of Pablo escobar on the roof of a building with his trusted bodyguard, Limon, viewers wonder what will come next.
According to News Everyday, fans will see new and old faces figure in the release of "Narcos" Season 3 next year and a few have been announced. The report confirms that Kerry Bishe has joined the cast as Christina, an American woman who is married to a Colombian that is involved with the drug business.
The report adds that other actors joining the Season 3 cast are two new DEA agents, Michael Stahl-David, who was a part of the mini-series "Show me a hero" and Matt Whelan.
The Cali cartel gets a new cast member in Chepe, who will be one of the four leaders of the Cali cartel, the report says. It is of no surprise that the next season will focus on the cali cartel.
DEA agent Javier Pena played by Pedro Pascal will be returning next season. but followers of the show will not see his partner, DEA agent Steve Murphy, played by Boyd Holbrook. .
As for the Brazilian Wagner Moura, who played the infamous Columbian drug lord, Pablo Escobar, in the netflix series, he will be playing a Brazilian political icon. He will star as Carlos Marighella in the movie "Marighella." A leftist leader of Brazil's National Liberation Alliance who was hunted by the US in the 60's as a "Guerilla", reports the parent herald.
The Parent Herald reports that "Marghiella"'s filming might start in early 2017. But Moura reportedly echoed that they have been busy with the movie's script since 2013.
Wagner Moura is so popular and has become synonymous with Narcos. So much so that netflix is still promoting the show's Pablo Escobar series. Recently, netflix released a behind the scenes feature on how Narcos filmed Pablo Escobar's death scene.
"We ended up shooting in the real house where Pablo was living - the roof right beside where he was killed," Wagner Moura reportedly said . It is a wonder that the actor did most of his stunts himself in that death scene from "Narcos", which he mentioned as "intense" and "disturbing".