[VIDEO] UFO filmed over Hawaii mountains, is there an Alien base there?

One photo shows an object hovering over the Waikane mountains in Hawaii, explain paranormal investigators from the Mutual UFO Network.

A witness claims that he was clicking in the afternoon on Oct. 23, 2016, with a "multiple photo" camera setting. When he reviewed the pictures he identified a flying disc-shaped object.

"I noticed one of them was not like the others. At first, I thought a wood chip was on my lens, but I looked closer and I realized I had spotted a UFO. Now, I don't really believe in stereotypical UFOs, but this creeped me out so much that I'm reporting it just in case it really is one. The unidentified object I saw was a disk, football shape and it was yellow/orange. When I zoom up on my camera, there seems to be a dome on the top as well," he said.

Hence, there are whispers that an alien base is situated in Hawaii. A number of images of the site have been taken. It is thought that aliens like mountain tops in order to remain hidden. But sometimes, they suddenly become visible when a passerby is able to spot some mysterious aircraft much beyond the "hidden place" in the cities.

Like Russia, Hawaii too is called the Holy Grail of UFOs. In fact, as reported by The Sovereignty group, Lawful Hawaiian Government has built a landing pad for UFOs on Hawaii's Big Island, says Wall Street Journal.

Garry Hoffeld, his government's Big Island coordinator, made a strange announcement. "The idea is to announce to the world, and to the universe, that Hawaii is here, Hawaii is back, Hawaii is a neutral country," he announced. "We're interested in making peaceful relationships with everybody in the world -- and even off the world."

The concept was referenced by Scott C Waring in ufosightingsdaily.com. He wrote: "UFOs are often seen around mountain tops because their exits from the underground bases need to be in locations where few people ever venture."
