45th President of USA Elected: Find out how Donald Trump reacts to his victory [Watch]

The 45th president of the United States has been elected! As election results continue to pour in with jaw-dropping, wavering conclusions, seems like Donald Trump's victory was well anticipated by the candidate himself.

Donald Trump shared a moment alone with his wife at their Trump Tower apartment probably trying to take it in, a source told ABC News. Trump then left his place at 2:15 am and joined Hilton in midtown to celebrate his success of the elections.

After Donald Trump took the lead in swing states of Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, many of his supporters were seen cheering with "Make America Great Again" hats and were all smiles. Supporters lifted the crowd by continuously changing President Trump and sang God Bless America.

Meanwhile, Hilary Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta address Clinton's supporters as Trump supporters yelled "lock her up."

Trump, after digesting the enthusiasm at its peak, kicked off his celebratory evening at Trump Tower with Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence along with his team and watched the results surface.

Trump was mostly seen spending the night of election results at campaign headquarters in Trump Tower, but then proceeded towards his room with his wife Melania Trump to be alone.

"He needed a moment. He is taking this in," one source with direct knowledge told ABC News. The source said Trump Tower is "exploding."

According to the spokesperson of House Speaker Paul Ryan, the two were involved in a very good conversation. "The speaker congratulated Trump on his big night and also spoke with his good friend Gov. Mike Pence."

On the other hand, Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway established that Trump was "energized and optimistic."

Senior sources described the temper in Trump Tower as "intense" and "fireworks." One source told ABC News in another report that the mood was "buoyant."

Clinton was also watching the elections results with her family just a couple of blocks away from the Trump Tower at her Peninsula Hotel. She was supposed to head to the Javits Center for her election night success party.

Donald Trump, 2016 presidential election