‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7 Update: Some characters to return this season with jaw-dropping plot ahead

The American horror drama 'The Walking Dead' bounced back with Season 7 on Oct. 23. With three episodes being aired already, the suspense and nail-biting driven scenes are rendering excitement at its peak.

Talking about the main characters of 'The Walking Dead Season 7', the horror drama allowed one group per week as the members of Alexandria, Virginia have been distributed to various other places.

Week 1 of 'The Walking Dead Season 7' exhibited the central members of Rick's group as viewers experienced Negan's introduction to be a bit more monotonous and least interesting.

Alongside, Week 1 announced Glen and Abraham to be dead.

Following the next week, Week 2 portrayed Carol and Morgan's arrival at The Kingdom. They were accompanied by King Ezekiel.

Week 3 showed Daryl's excruciating experience at the hands of Dwight at Negan's asylum.

The last, Week 4, will go back to the settings of Alexandria.

Many fans are complaining that many essential and popular characters did not show up in 'The Walking Dead Season 7' at all. However, these absent characters will return this Sunday night, in the fourth episode of The Walking Dead Season 7.

Titled as "Service", characters who will return are Spencer, Tara, Heath, Jesus, Gregory, and Father Gabriel.

Priest Gabriel's last appearance was when he was looking after Rick's daughter Judith as the group initiates their trip to the hillside. As far as Spencer is concerned, he might be heading towards his death. In Season 7 trailer, viewers saw him being disobedient towards Rick's decision, which will probably lead to his death.

'The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 5' will highlight Gregory and Jesus as Maggie and Sasha head towards the hilltop as Negan killed the men they adore.

'The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 6' will see Tara and Heath. These two were absent when they moved out of Alexandria. A turning point in this episode is that viewers expect a death in this chapter.

Reports suggest that a dead body was seen on the shore and it is speculated to be Tara.

Viewers can find this mystery on Nov. 27.

The next episode titled as Service of 'The Walking Dead Season 7' will be aired on Nov. 13.

The walking dead