2 UFOs fly across supermoon

The UFO debate keeps on cropping up and avid UFOlogists lose no opportunity to provide proof of aliens by sighting UFOs, never mind even if it was not by an alien hunter.

This time they have not spared even the great celestial spectacle of a supermoon. Not only that, they have even abrogated a supermoon gazer's filming of the moon two days before the actual event to support their claims of proof of aliens.

According to a report published by Express.co.uk, a supermoon enthusiast, Rondomon, in Surprise, Arizona in the U.S. was filming the supermoon two days before the event and happened to capture on film a disc-shaped UFO flitting across the moon not once but twice in a short span of time.

The stargazer uploaded the film on Youtube claiming that two UFOs did a fly-by across the moon in quick succession. He went on to describe what he captured on film as two UFOs appearing to have distortion surrounding them, and surmising the distortion as bending of light.

Elsewhere, UFOlogists were quick to latch on to Rondomon's claims to provide their own interpretation of the film. They went on to cite this as yet another proof of aliens.

In a related report published by Mirror.co.uk, Scot C Waring, a UFO researcher living in Taiwan, interpreted the description of distortion by Rondomon as a haze mist. He added that the haze, also seen in other UFOs, was due to alien propulsion. He went on to add that a UFO in orbit with a haze mist around it as odd.

Contradicting what the UFO researcher from Taiwan interpreted, a user, Jugganaut7 simply dismissed it as out of focus leaves blowing in the wind. He went on to defend his interpretation by saying that there was a discrepancy in the blur of the moon and the blur on the UFOs. He would probably have also called the UFOs as proof of aliens if the blurs were similar.

UFO, Supermoon