‘Outlander’ Season 3 update, spoilers: Conor McCarry plays ‘young Jamie;’ Sam Heughan shares ‘behind the scenes’ picture

The "Outlander" Season 3 cast keeps growing. Recently, it has been revealed that the fans will get to see Scottish actor Conor McCarry.

McCarry has been cast for the adult version of Young Jamie, the eldest son of Jenny and Ian Murray, reports International Business Times. Young Jamie was named after his uncle Jamie Fraser, and he will sooner or later become the heir of Lallybroch estate.

"Outlander" Season 3 is based on the book "Voyager" of the widely popular book series by Diana Gabaldon. Also, the viewers have witnessed Conor McCarry before for his previous roles in the well-known films like Anna Karenina and Battleship.

According to reports from Daily Record, if the TV series follows the book, then there's a chance for the fans to witness an adventurous scene of Young Jamie and Young Ian. This has said to have a long-term impact on the course of Young Ian's life and the life of his family too.

Viewers watched the child version of young Jamie previously as a young boy at Lallybroch. After discovering that the boy's name was given after his name, Jamie was angry, mistakenly thinking that he was the son of his enemy Black Jack Randall. However, he calmed down later when he learned that the lad was Ian's son.

In the meantime, Sam Heughan is found to share a behind the scenes picture of a sunrise in Scotland from the production set of "Outlander" Season 3. Not only this, but the actor also described the morning as both chilling and beautiful.

On the other hand, new season filming regarding the first four episodes has already been completed and further the cast and crew are now looking forward to their next upcoming two episodes.

"Outlander" Season 3 will return to Starz soon in 2017.

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