(VIDEO) UFO sighting: Not again! NASA cut off UFO streaking across ISS to 'hide truth', say alien hunters

One mystery UFO was hurtling across the International Space Station even as it was orbiting the earth. It happened just a few seconds before the live feed was cut off.

The video shot was taken from ISS's High Definition Earth Viewing Experiment (HDEV), showing a mindblowing shot of the earth from space.

Similar action by the NASA has happened many times, as HNGN reported earlier.

Watch the video below. You can see that a faint, silver object is spotted flying across the screen. The video was uploaded by user ColdPyro. The UFO was an interesting dot that even looked as if it was accelerating. Just as it moved out of the frame, the live feed suddenly went off.

It was followed by the usual kind of message that follows such kinds of rip-offs: "Please stand by. The High Definition Earth Viewing experiment is either switching cameras, or we are experiencing a temporary loss of signal with the International Space Station."

Why did the sudden switch happen? It's the common practice by ISS whenever a UFO appears on the video, say conspiracy theorists. Hence, the ISS and NASA seem to be undertaking the usual kind of "cover-up" of close encounters.

"This was found on the official ISS channel; it appears a UFO comes into frame and the feed it then immediately cut," ColdPyro said in the video that was posted last Wednesday.

The UFO could be seen for only a moment - just 5 seconds, to the left of center in the frame. Two seconds later, the feed cuts out to grey, followed by a blank blue screen.

Says a NASA spokesperson: "Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artifacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory,

YouTube/Cold Pyro

UFO, ISS, Nasa