UFO expert accuses government of hiding truth about aliens

The government was hiding a lot of things related to aliens with sources revealing that the agency tasked to investigate it has not even revealed half the truth to the public.

According to Malcolm Robinson, an expert in UFO and paranormal experiences, he has two marvelous UFO photographs in Scotland.

Robinson, who also founded Scotland's Strange Phenomena Investigations society in 1979, claimed that the ministry of defense has operated a UFO for 30 long years until it stopped in 2009.

The reason for the termination of the project is that the agency was allegedly not generating helpful output to the country's defense and their staff was re-assigned to more important activities, per Daily Mail.

The files from the last two years of the project are publicly available to the National Archives website. Those files contained 25 findings in over 4,400 pages. On one page, two young boys from Staffordshire were quoted saying, "We want you, come with us," came out from a lemon-shaped head.

From a recorded sighting, there are sketches of UFO. Some of those include the portrayal of the lightings and its colors from an unidentified spacecraft.

Robinson urged the government to launch investigations to various UFO sightings, which includes cold case police files from Bonnybridge in Scotland. At least 300 sightings were revealed.

Robinson said the ministry of defense has slowly released the files about the UFO sightings in the UK. He believed that the facts about UFO should be revealed to the public.

Robinson has many paranormal experiences including being slapped by a ghost and being shouted by a ghost to get out of the ghost's house.

Aliens, UFO sightings