Alien Base in Mercury: NASA Photos Reveals Mysterious Alien Domes and Structures

All those who believe in alien life must have thought about the kind of homes the extra-terrestrial beings live in and it looks like they prefer dome-like structures. At least this is what NASA photos and UFO hunters would like us to believe.

Photos taken by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory show dome-like buildings on the surface of Mercury and UFO hunters believe that they are alien structures, reports Daily Star. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is the NASA team that sends robotic probes with the motive of exploring the solar system and the recent photos taken by the probe hint at alien domes.

The pictures reveal 17 dome-like structures and they are located around the edges of craters found on the smallest planet in the solar system. Every structure has a different shape, but each of them carries a similar streak which is to say that each structure is made up of smaller cubes formed together, claims UFO Sightings Daily.

According to UFO hunter Scott C. Waring, these domes are not a result of natural activities. Rather they are of alien origin. Last week also saw him making similar claims about alien structures on the moon when he said that aliens have a base over there. He said that no mistake can be made about these structures and the detail is fantastic as it comes from NASA.

It may be mentioned here that Mercury experiences very extreme temperatures. They can fluctuate anywhere between 900 Celsius and -173 Celsius and therefore, scientists think that it cannot support life as we know it. There is also no sign that indicates the existence of liquid water on the planet- a prerequisite for supporting life.

What is more, the planet is known to face solar storms and asteroid impacts at frequent intervals and they are fatal for life on earth. Therefore, this discovery comes as a surprise but an ESA astronaut has said alien life exists in the universe but not in the form that humans imagine or believe it to be. Even Russia is said to have waged a secret war against the aliens and its UFO files were also exposed in the media.

Alien, Mercury, Nasa