[WATCH] UFO hunters baffled: Mysterious spherical object appears in front of the sun captured by NASA

Alien hunters and enthusiasts are often on the verge of finding for hints that actually promises the presence of extra-terrestrial intelligent life. And recently, NASA has captured a few images of a spherical object revolving around the sun that teases the existence of alien life.

An enormous blue sphere has been erupted in front of the sun. Facebook user Pamela Johnson shared the image, which is deemed as baffling. Being a dweller of Mexico, she shared the images from a link to the NASA's website and maintained that the Sun reacted to the mysterious object.

According to Pamela Johnson, the sun started reacting to the objected on November 15 and then there have been several frames missing for the following days.

A YouTube user said that the incident was exceptional and that it has left many of the viewers in shock.

Pamela Johnson, a particular image was was taken before the blue sphere appeared, thus, giving a typical view from feed. However, after a few days, Pamela Johnson noted that several frames were missing from the NASA feed.

According to Miss Johnson, "Our Sun is casting the light that is coming in from the left side of the frame. This satellite's archives showed the Sun began reacting to this object on November 15th and there are several frames missing on the 15th and 16th. Wow!"

According to Mail Online, the picture of a blue spherical item was captured by NASA's STEREO H1 satellite which orbits the Sun.

This is not a first account of alien sighting. For the past few months, there have been several incidents which show an increased likelihood of possible alien existence.

The incident left many of the enthusiasts in utter shock, especially when it was posted on YouTube. The video unveils how the sun began reacting to the blue object on November 15th and the situation became even more grave when several frames were observed missing on 15rh and 16rth November.

Alien life, UFO sighting