Alien hunters claim ‘Curiosity’ rover never landed on Mars, published images taken on Canadian island

If some alien hunters are to be believed, we might all be witness to the greatest hoax of the century despite the fact that we are only 16 years into the hundred years beginning of 2000.

In a report published by UFOsightingsdaily, editor Scot C Waring, the alien hunter living in Taiwan, was ambivalent about the claims made by a number of alien hunters that the Curiosity rover has never been on Mars.

His first reaction was, "I have to admit that we have seen a lot of evidence that intelligent life was in those Mars photos, but in truth, I see that there is so much in most of those photos that it couldn't possibly be a place on Earth. How could such unusual artifacts exist on Earth and were never discovered by anyone?"

Subsequently, based on reporting by a number of alien hunters, he expressed doubts on the rover being really on Mars. The general consensus is that all activity on Mars is being recorded in Devon Island, which is situated in Canada.

The topography of Devon Island resembles that of Mars. The island is being used by NASA to test rovers before being sent on their space journey.

According to the report published by UFOsightingsdaily, some of the evidence presented by alien hunters to support their claims that the rover is not on Mars includes:

In the original NASA photos the sky is blue and clouds are white, which apparently is not possible. A red filter is used in the NASA photos released to the public to depict the red planet.

Apparently, other countries' Mars missions are sabotaged on return to Earth ostensibly to protect its secret.

The sighting of a number of animals such as monkey, squirrel, lizard, rat, rabbit, bison and gorilla on Mars seems unreal.

Google Earth photos of Devon Island shows rover being driven by NASA scientists in suits, apparently recording what is purported to be happening on Mars.

This Youtube video graphically presents the evidence leading to the question whether the Mars mission is a hoax.