Aliens use our beautiful planet like a supermarket: CIA contractor

Here is an alien 'mindreader', a former CIA contractor, who charges aliens of using Planet Earth like "a supermarket".

Ingo Swann, who has explored aliens in the intelligence agency's top secret psychic "remote sensing" program, was requested to read the minds of aliens in UFOs.Richard

Richard Dolan is another UFO hunter, who said that Swann watched an extraterrestrial craft zooming over a lake in Alaska.

Once, Swann and three other men saw a fog enveloping the lake and developing a "luminous neon-blue colour", before "a network of purple, red, and yellow lightning bolts shot in all crazy directions through the cloud".

Said Dolan: "Swann offered the insight that the craft was 'a drone of some kind, unmanned, controlled from somewhere else."

Regarding what the craft was doing, Swann said: "Well, for chrissakes! It was thirsty! Taking on water, obviously. Someone, somewhere needs I suppose they just come and get it.You don't need to be a psychic to see that."

Dolan said that Swann felt "they' treated Earth as the neighbourhood supermarket."

Although he was not completely convinced about the goods the aliens were trying to pick up, water figured pretty high on the list.


Aliens, Supermarket