UFO Sighting: Blazing fireball takes over Florida sky! Is alien invasion of Earth imminent? [Watch]

With the intensifying incidents of alien goings-on and UFO invasions, many fear that it's not a hoax anymore. Florida recently became a victim of an alleged alien invasion as dwellers of the city experienced a bright light in the sky.

The happening took place at around 11pm on November 23rd, as people from Key West to the Florida Panhandle observed a huge, bright light taking over the sky. Residents got flustered and reported it to the local authorities as the fear of an intimidating invasion unfolded.

The American Meteor Society received more than 150 reports as people documented the giant fireball. According to a report, a lot of people encountered the blazing meteor, which was recorded throughout the process. One of the witnesses also included TV meteorologist Josh Stone from ABC 7.

"Never seen anything like that before,.....looked as bright as the sun....heard a little rumbling after it faded away," Stone said.

The North Point Department in west Florida also captured the jaw-dropping moment. See the video here.

Bill Cooke from the Marshall Space Centre said that the meteor initiated 46 km above the Gulf of Mexico and 8 miles from Sarasota. The meteor then changed its track and moved to the north of west. It then fragmented at the height of 15 miles.

Based on reports, the meteor ended its track on the Sea of Anna Maria Island off the Coast of Manatee County in Florida. The witnessed gigantic ball was the size of a baseball and its speed was calculated to be 40,000 mph.

There are approximately 500,000 fireballs a year which are mistaken for a UFO or alien invasions. Such meteors are often unnoticed and difficult to track because they usually take place during day time or high above the ocean.

Alien life, Aliens, UFO sighting, Meteor Shower