UFO sighting: Bizarre, black, disc-like object over Colorado mountains hints alien base

Looks like aliens like ski resorts too. Otherwise, why would one of them be flying over the snow-capped mountains of Colorado? UFOlogists sure seem to have a busy time in this area, and they interpret dozens of strange images here.

Recently, a UFO was spotted in a screen grab from pictures of a Winter Park ski resort in Colorado, The image has been sent to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) for analysis.

MUFON is based in the US. It is the world's largest body that concentrates on UFO and alien research.

The sender of the image explained: "I was monitoring the Winter Park ski resort town web camera - for my job we do operational cloud seeding for the resort to increase snow pack and use the cameras to monitor weather conditions. The frames update about every three minutes, to my knowledge. In one frame, there was nothing but the normal view - next frame, a black disk-like object appears just over mountain top - next frame, nothing."

As it flew very close to the mountain, it could not be either a drone or a plane. He also confirmed that no helicopters were hovering around that area at the time.

He ruled out the possibility of it being a "bird, bug, etc" either because it looked too big.

"My colleagues and I have been using this webcam for years and this has never occurred before," he said.

The report has got ufologists excited. In fact, this region is a "hotbed" for aliens, explains Scott C. Waring: "The web camera caught a black UFO moving over or from the mountaintop. The UFO is low to keep out of sight, but why was it coming from a base below this area is the real question. The UFO is in this area for a reason, and Colorado is a hotbed for alien activity along its mountains."

Sceptics are not believing the theory. Said forensic UFO image investigator Scott Brando, it was just an "out-of-focus insects or birds." An image reflects a camera's defect, he said.
