Study: UFO sightings increase sexual desire

A recent survey carried out by Cid-Gallup, a well-known Panamanian research paper, discovered that 37 percent of Panamanians felt an increased sexual desire after witnessing a UFO. The survey showed that among those who claimed to have witnessed a UFO, only 17 percent have felt the fear.

Seeing a UFO brings what?

After the release of the survey result, a huge number of speculations immediately surfaced, asking what a person would truly feel if an alien spacecraft flew over them. Will it be fear, curiosity, or as what the survey suggests, a feeling of sexual desire?

How UFO's Increases urge for Sex

According to some reports, a number of recent abductions have been allegedly reported in order to create human-alien hybrids. That is, perhaps, one reason why you tend to be filled with sexual desire.

It was believed that aliens seem to like the Central American country, Panama, as there have been a huge number of UFO sightings in the area with almost in 16 percent of the population claiming to have spotted UFOs in their lifetimes.

Meanwhile, the survey conducted by Cid-Gallup, which has recently appeared in the El Siglo newspaper, stated that more than a third of the respondents were reported having an intense sexual desire after the experience.

On the other hand, Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual in the UK, strongly believed that the mixed emotions of anxiety and wonder of witnessing something odd and strange in the sky may have probably aroused the witnesses and accounts for these survey results. Previous studies have also suggested that the concept of breeding with aliens is nothing completely new.

Beliefs and speculation

Some UFO enthusiasts have also claimed that reports like this just indicates that the aliens are, somehow, conducting a hybrid breeding program in order to create a race of superhuman beings, for what purpose we can only imagine. However, skeptics believe that these experiences are just brought by sleep paralysis.

UFO, UFO sighting