Pokémon GO News: Fans want 12 days of Pokémon spawns during Christmas season

Christmas season is right around the corner, and Pokémon GO fans are eager to have an epic Christmas event. While the game might have been overshadowed by Pokémon Sun and Moon, there's no denying that Pokémon GO is still popular. With the Thanksgiving and Halloween events made a whole lot of noise for Niantic, a Christmas one should also be considered. It is, after all, the time for giving.

A suggestion for a great Christmas event

One particular Reddit user has recently posted a brilliant concept. For the 12 days of Christmas, Niantic should be making spawns that will suit the song. Though some of the suggestions could be better, they're still pretty interesting nonetheless. If anything, it could potentially lead to plenty of experience points for a player's trainer, or even an evolution. If done just right, it would lead to a very memorable Christmas for Pokémon GO players.

The 12 Days of Pokémon Event concept

With that being said, here are some interesting suggestions for a possible Pokémon GO Christmas event. Considering the game's massive fame and popularity, fans should be assuming that it is going to be a matter of when and not 'if.'

1st Day - A partridge in a pear tree (Pidgey spawns drastically increased)

2nd Day - Two turtle doves (Squirtle spawns increased)

3rd Day - Three french hens (Mr. Mime spawning in all regions)

4th Day - Four calling birds (Spearow, Pidgey, Doduo family spawns increased, Farfetch'd be available in all regions)

5th Day - Five golden rings (The first five Pokestops spun will give you a daily-type XP/item bonus)

6th Day - Six geese a laying (All egg hatch distances reduced to 25%)

7th Day - Seven swans a swimming (Lapras spawns increased)

8th Day - Eight maids a milking (Tauros available in all regions)

9th Day - Nine ladies dancing (Jynx spawns increased)

10th Day - Ten lords a leaping (Kangaskhan available in all regions)

11th Day - Eleven pipers piping (Incense and lures half-price)

12th Day - Twelve drummers drumming (Marowak, Cubone , Kadabra, Alakazam spawns increased)