VR Headset For iPhone: Bridge Headset Comes With Mixed reality and Positional Tracking

There are a dozens of VR headsets in the market which are compatible with the iPhone. Apple doesn't have its very own AR/VR headset, Gear VR and Google Cardboard has been the make-do headset since its launch. Bu with Occipital's Bridge headset, it looks like the long-awaited VR headset for iPhone has finally arrived!

VR Headset is a must for techs especially nowadays because 2016 is considered as the virtual reality year. Bridget is a virtual robot, and also the only existed on the Apple iPhone that was powering Occipital's new "mixed reality" headset. That headset is what we called Bridge.

According to The Verge, Bridge is a just like any other VR headset, which you can use in an iPhone 6, 6S, or 7. You just have to band it on your head and enjoy smartphone-powered virtual reality. It also comes with a Bluetooth remote that can handle some motion while gaming, similar to what you get with Google's Daydream VR headset.

This is all because it will have positional-tracking capabilities which other mobile-driven headsets lack. The Bridge comes from the same company that created the Occipital Structure Sensor. An iPad and iPhone add-on that uses infrared to scan objects and gauge distances automatically.

Bridge is like a mix between Microsoft's HoloLens augmented reality glasses and the Samsung Gear VR. Headset will be available in limited quantities starting next week for $499, and Occipital is planning a wider release in March where it will sell for $399.

According Engadget reported, Occipital has a solid track record of solving the problems that pop up when blurring boundaries between worlds. That's why the team's new mixed reality seems so impressive right out of the gate.

With the Bridge, Occipital wants to use its sensor tech to catapult into a leadership position in VR, at least as far as the iPhone is concerned.