'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Update: Sequel Already Set For Summer 2019 Release, Sony Shift Schedule For Upcoming Movies

The initial reaction for the upcoming "Spider-Man: Homecoming" trailer appears to have been on point to what Sony Pictures was hoping for. Today they have announced the official release date for the sequel.

Sequel already has a date!

You read it right. Even though "Spider-Man: Homecoming" won't be hitting theaters until July of next year, Sony is already very confident in their partnership with Marvel Studios to bring Spidey into the Marvel Cinematic Universe that they have already issued a for the sequel, which is going to be summer of 2019.

Announcing a Spider-Man sequel is definitely a no-brainer move, but announcing it even before the initial movie hits the big screen is quite a bit of a surprise. Not even Marvel Studios itself has been this bold to announce a sequel to a franchise that hasn't even tested the waters in the first place.

But since Spider-Man was a major factor in the success of Captain America: Civil War, as well as his place in the MCU, it just further solidifies his box office presence, which is why they thought about getting ahead of everyone else.

Projected release date

There's been no confirmation on whether director Jon Watts will reprise his director duties for the sequel or not, but reports revealed "Spider-Man: Homecoming 2" will be arriving on July 5, 2019. The last time Sony jumped into conclusions so early for a Spider-Man franchise didn't work too well for them. Hopefully, this case will be something different.

Shifts in scheduled release dates

It's the new claim towards the already scheduled "Independence Day" movie that has Sony had to divert their scheduled release for "Bad Boys 4," which also shifted the date for the Spider-man sequel. Everything was going smoothly in terms of scheduled Sony Pictures movie releases, but with conflicts in schedule, they had to move "Bad Boys 4" ahead in order to give more time for the Spider-man sequel to take shape.

Sony Pictures, Spider man