Alibaba is the greatest online retailer in the China and at the same time, it is one of the largest online retailers in the whole world. The company has emerged in the last few years with some positive moves and now it looks like the company is ready to take another step again. The company is looking to invest a huge amount of money in the sector of mobile gaming. It has been reported that the company will invest almost $145 million in order to increase the distribution of mobile games.
According to a report by CNBC, says that Alibaba is going to tie up with some other major companies as well. It seems like the Chinese retailer will tie-up with Russia's group. At the same time, it is going collaborate with the Dutch company called TFJoy. There is few Chinese company which will be associated with the Alibaba as well like Efun. A company from the Middle East called ONEMT is also taking part with the Alibaba. Therefore, it is total five companies who is collaborating in this launch.
It is clear that companies from the different part of the world are participating in Alibaba's initiative. Therefore, it is clear that the initiative going to have a good impact on the distribution of the mobile games across the world. It is a clear fact that the distribution of mobile games is not equal in different parts of the world. Different countries in Europe and has more distribution. At the same time, games distribution in Australia and the United States is also significantly high.
Alibaba has also invested a significant amount of money in different western gaming companies. It is reported that since 2014 Alibaba has invested more than $120 million and it has boosted the game distribution in China.If the things go right for Alibaba, then it is really obvious that the distribution of mobile games in different parts of the world will be influenced.
China's Online Retailer Alibaba Is Interested In Investing A Lot Of Money In Mobile Gaming
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