Historic Moment for Britain: No Turning Back on Brexit

Britain's departure from the EU is an historic moment and there is no turning back on Brexit as article 50 is triggered. Prime Minister Theresa May spoke after Britain's EU Ambassador triggered the two year exit process to the EU Council President Donald Tusk. Mr. Tusk stated that this was not a happy day for him at the EU.

In the letter triggering article 50, Mrs. May said failure to reach a trade deal within a two year time limit could weaken the cooperation against crime and terrorism. The European Parliament's Chief Brexit negotiator, Guy Verhofstadt said there will be acceptance of any attempt to bargain between trade and security.

The UK could possibly end intelligence sharing with Europol, and the EU policing agency if there will be no agreement. Mrs. May said that she will like to maintain the degree of cooperation on these matters that it has currently. This turns out to be a simple fact as the existing arrangements would lapse if Britain left the EU without any deal.

According to BBC, opposing MP's have accused Mrs. May of jeopardizing public safety, by attempting to use security cooperation as a bargaining chip in the forthcoming negotiations. It is still not over yet as article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty gives both sides two years to reach the agreement.

Until and unless the UK along with 27 EU member states agrees to extend the deadline for talks, the UK will leave on 29 March 2019. Donald Tusk held up Mrs. May's letter at a press conference and said "we already miss you."

It has been a celebration for some and a disappointment for others, but the article 50 process in now under way and with the wishes of British people the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union. It is indeed an historic moment for UK and there will be no turning back.

European Union