U.S Navy Identifies the Seven Dead Sailors of USS Fitzgerald Collision

The USS Fitzgerald collision has shocked the U.S Navy. Soon, after the collision, an investigation was carried out to know the extent of the damage that occurred during the collision. It has now been confirmed by U.S Navy that all the seven sailors who were missing are dead.

A United States Navy Destroyer collided with MV ACX Crystal, Philippine Flagged container ship on June 17, 2017. According to CNBC, the seven sailors who went missing after the collision have been identified and the names have been revealed by the U.S Navy. As per reports, the deceased sailors are:

  • Gunner's Mate Seaman Dakota Kyle Rigsby, 19
  • Yeoman 3rd Class Shingo Alexander Douglass, 25
  • Sonar Technician 3rd Class Ngoc T Truong Huynh, 25
  • Gunner's Mate 2nd Class Noe Hernandez, 26
  • Fire Controlman 2nd Class Carlos VictorGanzonSibayan
  • Personnel Specialist 1stClass Xavier Alec Martin, 24
  • Fire Controlman 1st Class Gary Leo Rehm Jr., 37

It has been reported by Vice Adm. Joseph P. Aucoin of the U.S Navy that a large part of the crew was sleeping when the collision took place. The damage caused to USS Fitzgerald collision was huge but still, it is in repairable form.

Moreover, Aucoin said in a statement that USS Fitzgerald will be back in form within a year. While expressing his condolence, Aucoin said that the damage could have much larger but the heroic efforts of the sailors have reduced the damage.

The weather was clear when the collision occurred and therefore the authorities are wondering what could be the reason behind the collision. Multiple investigations, including one by the Navy's Judge Advocate General and one by US Coast Guard, will be carried out to know the cause of the collision. The Japanese and Philippine authorities will also carry on with their share of the investigation.