London Builds Morgue the Size of Two Football Pitches to House Coronavirus Fatalities

A mega-complex for the victims who succumbed to the coronavirus will be housed in a massive morgue the size of two football pitches in East London.

This is new morgue will be able to house all the dead expected as the COVID-19 toll is 563 to 2,352. Most of the deceased will come from Nightingale coronavirus hospital, where more deaths are registered every day.

The massive mortuary is one of the biggest structure built just for this purpose, at the size of two football pitches it can hope more than enough bodies.

It lies near the of London crematorium and cemetery, the final and solemn resting place from the pitifully passed at the new Nightingale Hospital at the ExCel Centre.

With an advantageous location which is close to the hospital (3 miles away), the remains from the mega mortuary will be transfered to crematoriums. This will destroy the virus because keeping the body intact will continue to host the virus.

One of the last journeys of the deceased will be without kin to protect them as well.

Most of the residents were given a letter to inform them of this decision, by Newham Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz.

Ground breaking begins on a location at a grassland near the Manor park in East London. The sooner it is built, the earlier it can be used for those who wil succumed to coronavirus.

While the builders are busy putting up a wooden fence to keep onlookers out, diggers are prepping for excavation too.

This pandemic is overwhelming for the National Health Service (NHS), building the mega mortuary is just one of the moves, including setting up make-shift testing at Ikea in Wembley, plus another swabbing site in Chessington.

According to Downing Street which is trying to increase the number of checks done, there are fears of 85% of self-isolating NHS that not present, because of no testing.

About 2,000 frontline NHS personnel have been tested positive for the coronavirus.

One resident, Joe Clancy said, "the mortuary was a grim development," adding that "These are difficult times."

Other places in the district include London's ExCel Centre that re-equipped as a coronavirus hospital.

Mayor Fiaz said that the facility will be the next part of cremation for the deceased. Before cremation the bodies will take care of in the location, and after the cremation, the ashes will be going to their final resting place.

A virulent contagion like the coronavirus is a reaper and has taken 1,789 people as it victims in the UK. Leaders have no illusions that it will get better.

Putting up the massive mortuary is part of the government's ways to gain more processing for human handling of the dead. The area of Manor Flats in Newham is one of those places chosen by the government.

Unfortunately, to keep family members of the coronavirus dead, they are not allowed to see their dead loved one.

All effort to bury the dead included ways to keep the locals and residents, infection free and the hospital has fad sheet for them.

Building the morgue with the size of two football pitches will be a big help processing bodies, before getting cremated
