#WhenGmailWasDown Hashtag Goes Viral After Brief Outage Earlier On Friday (READ TWEETS)

Many people may have noticed that earlier today, Gmail's servers went down locking many users out of their accounts for several minutes. While the crisis may have only lasted a few minutes, that didn't stop many people from taking to Twitter in order to vent their frustrations, making the hashtag: #WhenGmailWasDown immensely popular for a short period of time.

While many people complained, the tide quickly turned to existential jokes about people finally being able to find their true selves once the distraction that is Gmail was out of their lives. Below is a list of some of the best #WhenGmailWasDown Tweets, about the server error, courtesy of the L.A. Times and HNGN.

"Hey, I need to fax you something. What's your number" -@strngwys

"Resist the urge to talk to other humans. #gmaildown" - @MatthewKnell

"#whengmailwasdown I read, then wrote, two books. Yep, that's what I did... #whengmailwasdown" - @toddbarry

"#whengmailwasdown I logged into my AOL.com email. Hello unopened emails from 2009." - @MrMikeStreet

"'Forget Gmail, what am I gonna do with out Google+???', asked NOBODY." - @RogerWCheng

"It's okay folks, it was just a temporary hiccup while the NSA downloaded this week's data #whengmailwasdown #TGIF" - @Blasdetejas

"Umm I guess I can use this time to finally clean my desk? #whengmailwasdown" - @paopao619

"I think this is Google's way of just screwing with us and reminding us how much power they have over our lives. #whengmailwasdown" - @fgonzalez1978

"'People started to write things down, but no one remembered how. Momnet slater, the zombies came.' 2083 recollection of #whengmailwasdown" - @DigitalDionne

"Ransome note: 'If you wants your Gmail bak, start using Google+' - signed 'not google' #whengmailwasdown #gmaildown" - @scott_springer

"WhenGmailWasDown I realized that there are windows in my cubicle." - @RaptorH

"#WhenGmailWasDown I found my true self." - @eric_bowen

Finally, comes our personal favorite:

"Gmail is temporarily unavailable" - @Yahoo.

For a more complete list of some of these tweets, you can find them HERE via the L.A. Times.