President Trump Authorizes $400-Per-Week Unemployment Payments Hits Democrats for Stalling Tactics

In a recent discussion at the White House concerning the proposed $400-Per-Week Unemployment Payments, Trump threaten disregard stalling Democrats by executive actions.

To move things along, he signed four executive actions on Saturday as more Americans lost jobs due to the pandemics' ill economic effects. Not without calling out the democrats for their stalling tactics in giving aid to Americans in need of it, reported Fox News.

Those who have lost work due to the COVID crisis will be getting their unemployment benefits that was cut on July 31. But other benefits have been added like student loan extensions as well as re-enacted moratoriums from the eviction of renters and homeowners.

Another of the inclusions with the approved benefits are a payroll tax holiday that will only be for those who get less than $100,000 at the end of the year. The chief executive vowed more relief if another term for him comes up.

Trump approved these executive actions at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., where he was applauded by the club members. He issued a statement and called attention to congressional stalling tactics. His urgent actions is due to the dire situation of many individuals who need federal aid, cited WTTW.

He stressed that the Democrats are blocking the approval, and taking the executive action route is the only option to preserve American jobs. Another is to help American workers tide in these times when politics not people matter like giving relief.

Costs for footing the $400 benefit will be shouldered by the state that is responsible for 25% for all qualified recipients. The remaining 75% of the total benefits will be under the federal government, said Trump. He added that it should be ready for fast distribution when the benefit is ready.

Compared to what other GOP congressmen suggested, the $400 is more than what was expected. Not all were sold on federal aid getting extended, at most, it was $200 that was considered. But the Democrats are intent on the $600 benefit with other unemployment benefits which were not considered by the Administration, mentioned USA Today.

Reactions from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer was critical and said that it was not enough. The venue of his executive action was not acceptable and got heavily criticized by the two, noted Washington Times.

In a statement, they call the move a lack of understanding of the problems faced by families in the COVID-19 pandemic. Both Pelosi and Schumer on Saturday said that the action taken by the President is ill-advised.

The President has been focused on funding for Social Security and Medicare, via the payroll tax holiday. One reason why the congressional republicans have not pushed on these points is the debt it would incur or raise.

Going ahead with approval meant Trump would be subject to legal consequences, and the Democrats are not shy about that. Still, the Chief executive threw a gauntlet and dared them to take relief away.

Expecting that his action will be unwanted, others who do not want anyone to get any relief. Adding that it would not be approved by those who need the money.

Trump bit bullet and gave the $400 weekly unemployment payments despite the Democrat resistance.

Related article: Coronavirus Aid: Democrats, White House to Discuss $1 Trillion Bill

Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Party, Democrat, Republicans