Construction Worker Finds Brain Wrapped in Foil on Wisconsin Beach

A construction worker on a morning stroll on the beach finds a brain wrapped in foil. The shocking discovery was unexpected and how it got on the beach is quite a mystery.

According to Jimmy Senda of Racine who had the habit of a morning stroll, he did not expect to pick a brain up from the shore. He usually would stroll to find peace of mind, but came across a whole brain. It might be even said this a bit too much to mind too, reported Daily Mail.

He found the brain along the shore of Lake Michigan that is close to Samuel Myers Park. It was Tuesday when he made this brainy discovery.

One of the reasons why he spends the time beachcombing is to look for items that he can use for his artwork. Also a part-time artist, he has time to make his art looking for sea glass specifically as part of his sculptural work.

The 47-year old construction worker and artist find the brain wrapped in tinfoil with a rubber band to keep it on. It was spotted at the water's edge when he saw it.

Saying that the object made him curious enough to pick it up and open it. Realization came that what he got was not chicken breast as he assumed, telling Fox6. Looking at the object, he realize that he found a brain taken from someone's cranium.

It was not just finding the brain that made it bizarre for him. The package with a person's brain intact brain where two pink flowers and Chinese money. What he found was not on the usual morning stroll at all.

He mentioned that it was hard processing what was found and not comprehending with ease. He was overwhelmed by it. Senda knew what he had but was suspended in disbelief as most people would.

Still not sure, the construction worker wanted confirmation and asked city workers what they thought. Most agreed that a brain was found. Finally, he called the police, who identified it as a brain. The evidence was taken by them to investigate more.

Soon after, the police say it is not human brains, to be sure the brain will be examined by the Racine County Medical Examiner's Office. A statement from the examiner's office relayed to the Daily Mail that it is an animal's brain. However, they need to determine from what animal it came from.

But TMZ says that it might be a cat's brain based on the current investigation.

As the Examiner's Office is looking for answers in the investigation, the construction worker's find is baffling everyone's interest online.

On Senda's Facebook post one commenter said that there might be a cannibal out there. There are lots of speculations where the brain came from, if it was human or otherwise with other ideas to confirm its origin. More eccentric assumptions say that is a kind of cultish and sacrificial worship.

Senda still takes his walks but has not visited Myer's Park recently. He is happy he found the brain and rued if some else did.

Lake Michigan, Brain