Biden Ready to Transition if Declared President-Elect, Leads in Pennsylvania

Joe Biden is on the brink of fulfilling his bid for the presidency and is poised to deliver an address to the United States on Friday. His team is set on moving quickly and declaring major aspects of his transition into the White House.

The Democrat presidential nominee is also preparing for a stark reality of fighting for the legitimacy of his victory if he does win.

Incumbent President Donald Trump and his team remarked that they are not giving up on the election, despite signs that Biden could clinch adequate states to carry the Electoral College.

But they are also indicating that Trump will respect a peaceful transfer of power if it boils down to it.

"I think there will be a peaceful transfer of power. This is the greatest country in the world, and we abide by the rule of law as will the president," according to Trump's economic adviser Larry Kudlow, reported USA Today.

No Plans to Concede

As he faces a fading path to triumph, Trump offered little signs on Friday that he was prepared to concede defeat. This led to those around him wondering who would be able to reckon with a president who has practically no thought of leaving his office.

Notwithstanding vote tallies displaying him trailing behind former Vice President Biden in key battleground states, Trump has yet to prepare a concession speech, reported CNN.

According to the president's top legal adviser on Friday, the Trump campaign intends on challenging the claimed voting irregularities in four battlegrounds where vote counting is ongoing as they brace for the Democrat's declaration of victory.

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According to Matt Morgan, the general counsel for the Trump campaign, "This election is not over. The false projection of Joe Biden as the winner is based on results in four states that are far from final," reported The Hill.

Total of Biden's Lead

CNN projections indicate that as of Friday morning, Biden has garnered 253 electoral votes, whereas Trump has 213 electoral votes. In the battleground states, Biden has slim leading numbers in Pennsylvania and Georgia and maintained Nevada and Arizona leads.

Trump 'Intends to Fight'

Kudlow has spoken to Trump, indicating that the Republican "intends to fight" and prevail, a message also conveyed by his reelection campaign.

The statements arrive the morning after a bitter tirade from the president in which he alleged that election officials in contested states attempted to "steal" the election from him.

Trump has so far been bolstered in his current position by those closest to him, including his senior advisers and his sons. They have initiated a stern effort in the courts to challenge the election results and have persuaded other Republicans to come to his defense.

Biden's Hometown Ready for Potential Victory

In Biden's hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, the stage is set with fireworks prepared if he is announced as the president-elect, and a speech is slated to take place on Friday.