German authorities have found a missing woman murdered with her remains placed in an Old Nazi bunker. It is unknown why the assailant killed her and why the remains were kept in the said WWII bunker.
Authorities found the body of Bianca S., 26, in an eastern forest in Germany. So far, police have hit a dead end as they struggle to find out the culprit of the horrific crime. Up to date, the Nazi Bunker killing is just one of the puzzling homicides recorded.
Cycling away for the last time
Last Thursday, the police had found out that one of her friends saw her at noon at the Oranienburg train station, where she was last seen alive. At the time, the victim was on the way to see a doctor, then attend a work meeting at 2 p.m. She never came, said co-workers. Her disappearance has led to fears of abduction, murder, or worse bodily harm like stabbing, reported by The Sun.
Furthermore, her five-year-old son was never picked up by her at daycare in the afternoon. Her friends and family found it odd for her to leave the child, so they raised the alarm with the authorities,
Bianca's mom had to fetch her grandson from the daycare when his mother did not come to fetch him at 4 p.m. Thursday. Her family thought it was unusual for the young mother to vanish and disappear without a trace.
On Saturday, the victim was declared missing. The search was on for the missing woman, and police dogs were used to sniff her scent. Four days later, her corpse was discovered in the forest inside the bunker.
On Monday at 10 p.m., it was a rude awakening for many in town when workers found the missing Bianca, who was dead and cold by now. She was murdered in the corridor of the SS radio station in an Old Nazi bunker, at Karo Ass, about four miles from town.
Observers say the old bunker from World War II is covered in moss and deep in the forest. Getting inside is hard, too; you need to go through a muddy trench under a gap in a concrete wall.
Initial reports on the murder indicate the victim was stabbed, said the investigators. Police told Bilt that the location and injuries on the victim are signs of homicide.
Initially, the detectives were considering rape, but they stuck it out. RTL said this killing is a mysterious case.
More evidence that something was amiss when they found that someone hid Bianca's bike in the foliage that was nearby the bunker. But, authorities ignored suspicion of another crime scene due to evidence said by the public prosecutor's office.
Authorities call the public for tips
Police are convinced the woman was slain inside or near the bunker, where the unsuspecting workers found her corpse. Local authorities request the public for tips or lead on what happened when the woman disappeared or was murdered.
The police used 14 dogs to sniff the area but found no trace. All the evidence has not produced a suspect, said the police, still wondering about the details of the Nazi bunker murder.
Where the body was found in Oranienburg, north of Berlin, was where Hitler started a nuclear project. Bianca is murdered in an Old Nazi bunker that fits its bloody history, and her death remains a mystery.
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