Hippopotamus Assault Leaves Man Covered in Blood After Biting Its Arms, Shoulder and Torso

Hippopotamus attacks are just as deadly compared to other animals. Despite their soft and chunky appearance, hippos hide a terrifyingly fearsome temper. Lions and tigers are undoubtedly dangerous, but something as ridiculous looking as a hippopotamus is the deadliest of the three.

Hippos are Territorial and Mean

You will not only receive broken bones and lose limbs in an encounter with these animals, but you may as well be eaten alive and whole whenever the hippos are protective of their territory, reported the Sun UK. Male hippos are aggressive and will not hesitate to fight crocodiles that are brave enough to raid their home.

Yearly, hippos would have the highest count of deaths in Africa, having a number of roughly 500 people on their constant death count; more than how many humans die from lions, elephants, leopards, buffaloes, and rhinos put all together.

Frederico Genovese, a photographer, captured a deadly assault in the Lake Naivasha of Kenya. Mathew Wanjiuku, the victim, was suddenly attacked by the giant creature and was continuously bitten for ten straight minutes, unable to resist.

Genovese recalled the assault as the hippo appeared to be trying to trample its victim by stamping its feet and swinging its head vigorously. The hippo was chomping on Wanjuiku's arms, shoulder, and torso while he was given no chance to escape the torture, noted the Scottish Sun.

People helped the man by creating noises using blunt objects and bashing them on metal sheets to frighten the giant creature, fortunately stopping yet leaving Wanjuiku covered in his blood.

Other Accounts of Deadly Hippo Attacks

Paul Templer, a wildlife enthusiast, has experienced first-hand what it feels like to be attacked by a tempered hippo in 1996.The attack left him with 39 bites wounds and came out with only a single arm left.

The death-threatening attack happened near Victoria Falls when the animal had knocked one of his friends out of his canoe.Templer stated, "I couldn't move, I was like wedged in this tight place. I knew it was in a hippo or a croc, eithery way it wasn't good".

Templer narrates in BBC that he managed to move his fingers around and feel the bristles on the hippo's snout, which made him realize that he was in the hippo's throat. He did his best to avoid ever drowning in the water while he was being swallowed until the hippopotamus spat him out once again.

Once he was out, he tried swimming towards his friends, but the "monster hippo" had charged towards him, grabbing him using its mouth and pulling him down to the depths of the river.

Templer was eventually saved by a friend who he deems to have shown "incredible bravery" to have gone over and grabbed him away from the hippo.

Another veteran of hippopotamus assault was on two fishermen. Enock Romano, one of the victims, had his legs amputated when everything was taken below his knees while he suffered deep wounds from being crushed by a hippo.

The hippo had assaulted him and a friend of his while they were fishing in Lake Naivasha. Nurse Susan Kamau had stated that the two fishermen were taken to the hospital in severe conditions that there wasn't any treatment to have restored Romano's lower legs, so they had to amputate.

The capabilities of hippos are farfetched. Despite not having an appearance capable of running, it can even run faster than humans. It could run at a speed of 30mph, a faster pace than the fastest human ever recorded.

In Uganda, a gamekeeper had to run for his life after disturbing a hungry hippo from its grass meal. The terrified man was caught on camera running away from the beast as he went down the road at Murchison Falls National Park

Hippopotamus, Assault, Hippo, Africa