Japan welcomed the HMS Queen Elizabeth Supercarrier as an ambassador to Japan in its first visit, as the two nations connect more solid ties. Part of the concern because the Royal Navy warship voyaged is to signal British support of Asian partners in the face of the changing geopolitical changes.
Significant events in Afghanistan have shifted concerns with US allies like the UK and Japan if the current US administration can shore up its commitments assist if China makes a move.
The UK had signaled its move to become a significant power in the South China Sea in case of a power vacuum that will be serious for the Indo-Pacific when the US was thought to keep China in place.
British and Japanese interests are at stake
The Royal Navy supercarrier is now docked in the Yokosuka Navy base, which is in the bay of Tokyo, where US interest safeguards Japan. Its presence means that Downing Street is doubling down in the stake of the UK in the South China Sea, and acting as a power bloc to Chinese military aggression, reported the Express UK.
Since the Biden administration entered and the Afghan debacle, the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) is getting more daring as the US has lost its footing with allies. Also, the perception without the US to hold it together, everything will fall apart. HMS Queen Elizabeth Supercarrier will be a force projection and ambassador to Japan when support for allies is needed most.
Commodore Steve Moorhouse, Commander of the Carrier Strike Group, posted a Twitter video that addressed concerns about the visit. These concerns were overreaching commitments in consular, economic, and security concerns of the Indo-pacific region.
この地域で最も緊密な安全保障上のパートナーである日本との演習および交流を実施するために、英国空母打撃群 #CSG21 が日本に到着しました。日英関係は、この地域の安全と安定に対する英国のコミットメントにとって重要です。🇯🇵🇬🇧 @UKinJapan @JuliaLongbottom @RoyalNavy pic.twitter.com/adNpSzEBev
— Rear Admiral Steve Moorhouse (@smrmoorhouse) September 4, 2021
He reiterated that the UK would ramp up this relationship to a whole new level. Stated that the British Carrier Strike Group is for freedom of navigation, securing vital shipping routes, and an international system that works for all nations in the Indo-Pacific, Moorhouse worded.
The details of the visit
According to the Yokosuka city office, 1,240 crew members on the HMS Queen Elizabeth would stay on board and not disembark from the warship. The ship will remain till Thursday and leave for another port.
Last Thursday, HMS Queen Elizabeth came from naval exercises with the US, Japan, Netherlands, and Canada to improve cooperation or interoperability between these nations' navies. It is hoped that it will lead to a western ideology of an overall free Indo-pacific. The stopover in Japan is only of the many, the most powerful carrier the Royal Navy had made on its way to the South China Sea when it left May this year for the world tour, citing the BBC.
China is set to impose a set of maritime laws to control the movement of foreign ships in the South China Sea that will cause conflict. It is timely that Queen Elizabeth acts as an ambassador to Japan in this part of the world threatened by the Chinese Communist Party.
Aside from the powerful Nimitz class carriers of the US, the HMS Queen Elizabeth Supercarrier can carry 40 F-35s which the Shandong and Liaoning lack. In the world view, the new laws by China may be a cause for more British involvement in the Indo-Pacific.
Related Article: British Supercarrier HMS Queen Elizabeth Sails Into South China Sea, Ignores Beijing Warnings and Joins Allies Against China