
Russia Identifies EU's Weak Point As the Polish Border Remains in Total Chaos That Threatens Bloc Unity

Russia Knows EU’s Weak Point Which is its Polish Border in Total Chaos that threatens Bloc Unity
GENYA SAVILOV/AFP via Getty Images

Russia knows the EU's weak point: the border policies for each member, like the Polish border that are getting lit up by the migrant chaos there.

Brussels accuses Putin and Lukashenko of orchestrating a hybrid war using middle eastern immigrants getting ugly on the Poland-Belarus border.

As far the EU leaders know, Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko are picking away at the bloc's unity, and fears of the bloc's safety worsen.

Putin chips away at the unity of EU member nations

Moscow has the upper hand, and the leaders of the European Union are now worried over Ukraine, and the overloading border eating at unity among members, reported the Express UK.

Last Monday, the French president Emmanuel Macron told the Kremlin that NATO wouldn't let go of Kyiv without a fight. An immense buildup of weapons and troops is at the doorstep of Ukraine. Notwithstanding the Belarus border conflict taking a lot from Brussels to manage, cites the EU Observer.

An EU expert Wolfgang Munchau said that the Kremlin is the overlord of both crises simultaneously, pushing the bloc's buttons where it is vulnerable. The members cannot decide on a single move, whether defence or migration.

The Eurointelligence director Munchau called it a two-pronged attack on security and border policies at the east borders; it's Putin's gain.

Both the Kremlin and Minsk nudges on the EU to do something to show its belly has succeeded. Brussel's is barely coping but fraying at the edges. Russia knows the EU's weak point due to these concerted actions.

It gets worse as the sanctions over migrant smuggling won't work on the Belarus border. Even if the migration stops, what is left is a humanitarian crisis to solve at the borders; dilemmas follow one by one.

Brussels agrees to pursue more sanctions directed at Belarus leader for his involvement in the hybrid war against the Polish border's integrity. By Lukashenko called what they planned ludicrous and desperate.

Macron told Putin that there is only one discussion between the west, Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. He stressed to Putin what he thought of the tense atmosphere on the Ukrainian border, the National News noted.

A French adviser told the media of NATO's solidarity in standing up to the Russian army, also saying it's willing to keep Kyiv's interests, such as sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well.

Belarus-Poland border crisis could be a distraction

Dmitry Peskov ignored the US statement that Belarus is a distraction that is supposed to pull attention from Ukraine. He cited the US State Department statement is muddling everything up for its gain.

The EU says the weaponized migration is for sanctions against Lukashenko winning the election, but Russia and Belarus denied it.

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, had talked to the Belarus leader to assist refugees on the phone; informed an aide. Aside from Belarus, the Chancellor spoke to Putin as cooler heads in the EU were not present. No progress was made.

Munchau insisted that called won't do much except for Lukashenko, who is legitimized by the Chancellor's actions. Russia knows the EU's weak point, and the calls are proof of that; it should alarm NATO, who are now outclassed in handling this crisis. Even Macron's call seems to be irrelevant.

Vladimir putin, Russia, European Union, Eu, Brussels
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