North Korean Dictator Guilty of Horrendous Acts in Executions Carried Out by the Rogue State

North Korean Dictator is Guilty of Horrendous Acts in the Executions Carried Out by the Roque State
JUNG YEON-JE/AFP via Getty Images

North Korean dictator orders brutal executions on citizens sentenced to die that has been called extremely cruel by observers of Pyongyang.

Lack of human rights and due process allows their supreme leader Kim Jong-un to be unquestioned in his policies that have drawn condemnation.

According to one report, the regime even used flamethrowers on dead bodies, and children were even executed by firing squad.

North Korean supreme leader orders executions

The South Korean human rights organization has registered the 23 public death sentences mostly for watching foreign media, which is trivial as if it was a capital crime like rape or murder, reported the Sun UK.

Sources of these gruesome public deaths were from North Korean defectors who had seen the shocking executions with the kin of the condemned.

The Transitional Justice Working Group is responsible for getting the information about the public death sentences that all happened after the supreme leader Kim Jong-un rose to power in 2011, at 37.

There is speculation that it is more than the number mentioned; the hermit kingdom is strict with its secrets, of these executions with two hangings and the rest by brutal firing squad shockingly.

Before getting shot by the firing squad, executioners dragged one of the condemned in 2012 from the vehicle like an animal. One of the witnesses testified to this particular death.

The witness said the condemned was half dead and had problems hearing the guards, and he seemed not to understand anything.

In 2014, the firing squad in the North Hwanghae province was another case of a brutal execution. The man was tied to a post, and they put pebbles in his mouth to choke him inexplicably as ordered by the North Korean dictator.

Once dead, the bodies of the condemned were burnt by flamethrowers in full view of their relatives. During 2012 or 2013 in Pyongyang, a witness saw the body desecrated by torching it; right after the victim passed.

Family members had to stay in the front row to witness the execution. After their relative's death, no one can complain or say anything. A father of the executed had passed out from watching as his son's body burned watching helplessly.

Horrendous executions did not exempt the young

Nothing is more heinous than executing a child as what happened in 2012 when one was shot to death by firing squad. One defector saw the ghastly killing and recalls the body was in bloody tatters, but it was worse, noted the Daily Mail.

They violated the corpse by bending the child's corpse at the waist and fitting the body in a sack, then discarding the body like trash.

Prisoners would be paraded with students and workers looking into the condemned eyes as executions are a must participate event. A witness stated about one execution in North Hamgyong in 2012 and mentioned that everyone had to see the suffering of the prisoners.

In 2017, a North Korean defector said the body of 11 musicians had been torn apart with a high-caliber air defense cannon via Kim Jong-un's orders.

Hee Yeon Lim, daughter of a high-ranked soldier in Pyongyang, escaped to South Korea and talked about the terror of Kim's inner circle. She saw condemned wearing hoods who were tied at the end of anti-aircraft gun barrels, then the gun was fired and the sentenced blown to bits in front of 10,000 people. All that was left were tatters of what used to be a person everywhere.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has ordered these inhuman executions exposed considered savage compared to the world.

Kim jong un, Pyongyang, North korea