Joe Biden Too Old and Ineffective Costing the US Confidence With His Lackadaisical Performance on the Domestic, International Stage

Joe Biden is Too Old and Ineffective Costing the US with His Lackadaisical Performance on the Domestic and International Stage
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Joe Biden and his presidency are getting lashed local and stateside due to all the failed foreign policies to the crises from crime to the border problem besetting the US now.

This was the takedown by the ex-UK ambassador to the US, Sir Christopher Meyer, who had nothing pleasant to say about the US president due to what is happening recently.

Overall, he gave the Democrat a failing grade and did not expect anything substantial from one of the worst US leaders in recent times, even Trump eclipses the flailing Democrat.

Biden aged, can no longer perform well

Meyer's comment reflects what the Democrats don't want to hear. They should have fielded a better candidate who could have served the full four-year term, reported the Express UK.

Naming the White House leader as a lame-duck president who is now one the most vilified world leaders after the Afghanistan defeat. Other failures include the failed pandemic management, and his overall performance abroad has been less than stellar.

Before becoming president, Biden must have shown the signs but the media covered up everything that would have cost votes. Many have regretted voting for him and even giving the GOP shot to attack the Democrats.

Meyer said that Biden is aged and can no longer perform well. He single-handedly ruptured the Democratic party and caused a massive split to perform well in the midterm elections, that even the Democrats regret their choice.

He added that the Democrats are in deadly danger of losing one or both houses of Congress, both the House of Representatives and the Senate, due to Joe Biden, which is sending shudders.

A situation like this will cause endless problems for Biden and his vice-president Kamala Harris will be limited by a hostile GOP, cited the Eagles Vine.

Meyer added that the POTUS costs confidence in the United States, compounding the west. His presidency has unraveled everything due to his inability. The US is now washed out as far as hostile republics go.

Biden , Putin talks to ease tension

The ex-UK ambassador called how Biden's ability to deal with the Russian President Vladimir Putin was poorly done and accomplished. He said it would have been better if former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger were at the helm of negotiations, noted the World News.

Fears the Kremlin will annex another part of Ukraine to knee Biden to stress a point. Russia is keen to show the US it's not making simple moves in Eastern Europe.

The Russian force of 104,000 strong troops camped in Ukraine is causing pressure and tension on the EU, NATO, and the US.

As Meyer says, the White House warned Putin of any retaliation if more than Crimea is annexed, although the two heads of state are in talks for a peaceful settlement.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy was assured of US support if the Russians rollout on the border, which the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed in a statement.

Putin was told he'd face stiff consequences if he pushed forward past the border before the meetings. But before that, the Russian leader would say that sanctions would be very unfortunate.

Meyer stressed that Joe Biden is not fit for the job, and he has made too many miscalculations ending in debacles, especially in Afghanistan.

Joe Biden, Russian President Vladimir Putin
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