Crime & Justice

Pregnant Woman Fatally Stabs Her Boyfriend Due To Abuses, Gets Life Sentence for the Cold-Blooded Murder

Pregnant Woman Fatally Stabs Her Boyfriend, Given Life for the Cold-Blooded Murder Due To Abuses
Nino Carè/Pixabay

A pregnant woman was convicted of murder after she stabbed her boyfriend to death and showed no remorse for the crime due to abuse.

She was screaming invectives at the court when she was sentenced to life in jail, not caring while on trial at Basildon Crown Court.

The convicted killer, Hannah Sindrey,24, stabbed Paul "Dod" Fletcher, 31, with a bladed weapon on New Year's Day, seen in the act by her petrified children.

Pregnant woman gets life for killing

After getting convicted by the judge, she was indignant at the sentence given to her, screaming F********m!

The court gave her a sentence for life and a minimum of fourteen and a half years, then only will parole be allowed if it will be granted to her, reported the Sun UK.

At one point, the woman made an alibi for Fletcher's murder by framing her pal, Kelly Blackwell, 26. Prosecutors added that she was absolved of any involvement in the killing.

According to sources connected to the case, Blackwell and Sindrey had personal differences before the victim's death. It was determined that his girlfriend was the one who killed him.

During the trial, Judge Samantha Leigh was told the couple was in a toxic and unstable relationship. The victim was taking drugs that caused him to think the accused pregnant woman was cheating.

Everything took a nosedive as Fletcher told his girlfriend to pass a lie detector test to prove her honesty. She has since given birth to a son while waiting for the trial to begin, cited Daily Mail.

Victim was abusive

Judge Leigh agreed that the victim was very physical and threatened the pregnant woman, and he was in jail for previous offenses, which later resulted in her stabbing her boyfriend.

Several facts were learned during the trial of the accused, which somehow gave reason for her actions. At some point, she must have snapped.

According to the Independent, when one of Mr. Fletcher's friends was interviewed about his character, they had to say

the victim was seen as very jealous and also overpowering his girlfriend trying to deal with him. Furthermore, the victim would send messages to monitor her that was too much.

Though the accused killed her partner, one incident related told how the pregnant woman would be struck by the victim violently. The man was in a state of mind that believed she had been disrespected to his nan, resulting in her getting a black eye because of him.

Judge determines murder case

During the sentencing, once the trial was finished, Judge Leigh gave her reasons for determining the murder case.

She said that Sindrey's boyfriend thought that cheating was happening, later explaining that the accused had been faithful, and Fletcher was on the deep end.

Everything in the relationship went wrong due to the victim's drug-taking habits and ADHD, which only made the paranoid tendencies driving him cuckoo.

From there, the toll is taken from a highly toxic relationship from getting struck physically called a liar though not. Add how he reacted due to drug-taking while she was delicately pregnant, as he was physically abusive while she was verbally abusive to him.

The pregnant woman stabs her boyfriend to death after the mounting abuse could not be taken anymore, and the man had a loose screw that made their relationship toxic.

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